Consultant Psychiatrists

Dr Manoj Therayil Kumar

Dr Manoj Therayil Kumar

Dr Manoj Therayil Kumar

MBBS DPM MD MNAMS DipNB MPH Dip CBT Dip Adv psychotherapy  FRCPsych




Dr Manoj Kumar has 30 years’ experience in psychiatry. He is a member of Royal College of Psychiatrists since 2004 and a Fellow since 2016. He has worked as consultant psychiatrist in Midlands Partnership Trust (Stafford) and honorary senior lecturer at Keele university (2007-2019). He currently works for North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare Trust.

He is an examiner for the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

He has completed his Diploma in CBT from Oxford & Advanced Psychotherapy Diploma from Birmingham City university.

He leads a research and innovation team in mental health in India (institute for mind and brain). He is the principal investigator (India site) for eye tracking technology in diagnosing mental disorders (in collaboration with Aberdeen & Cambridge universities). He publishes in scientific journals articles and has developed successful online mental health courses.

His interests include recovery/ resilience, advanced psychopharmacology, personality dysfunctions and integration of psychological therapies into routine clinical practice.

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