商品の説明 プロの彫刻家から初心者まで使いやすい道具や材料を取り揃えています 精巧な作品や個性的なアート作品を制作できる彫刻道具を提供しています 木彫り、石彫り、金属彫刻など、さまざまな技法を用いた作品をご提供します ★同じ物 Spiritさんが10万円売りました! フライ 強力守護 幸運 プラクルアン 超貴重 タイのお守り インテリアやコレクションに最適です The female spiritual sister (Zhanni) blessed this sister is from Laos and is the sixth deceased person I have buried. Zhanni is a Laotian who committed suicide by cutting her veins at the age of 22. Due to family reasons, In front of her, she was a drug-addicted prostitute. This female spirit was particularly ferocious, beautiful in front of her, and loved by many people. She left it in the temple without anyone claiming it for many years. In 2017, a tombstone was built. Later, with the consent of her sister, she made a Buddhist amulet to help others. Ingredients for this sister: lime, ashes, corpse-burning mud, corpse-tying rope, shroud, rope, talisman tube, skull spirit, etc.. Worship this female spirit sister to help the master fulfill his wishes, do things, and attract all kinds of wealth. 商品の情報 カテゴリーハンドメイド・手芸 > アート・写真 > 彫刻商品の状態新品、未使用発送元の地域神奈川県
★同じ物 Spiritさんが10万円売りました!
フライ 強力守護 幸運 プラクルアン 超貴重 タイのお守り
The female spiritual sister (Zhanni) blessed
this sister is from Laos and is the sixth deceased person I have buried. Zhanni is a Laotian who committed suicide by cutting her veins at the age of 22. Due to family reasons, In front of her, she was a drug-addicted prostitute. This female spirit was particularly ferocious, beautiful in front of her, and loved by many people. She left it in the temple without anyone claiming it for many years. In 2017, a tombstone was built. Later, with the consent of her sister, she made a Buddhist amulet to help others. Ingredients for this sister: lime, ashes, corpse-burning mud, corpse-tying rope, shroud, rope, talisman tube, skull spirit, etc.. Worship this female spirit sister to help the master fulfill his wishes, do things, and attract all kinds of wealth.
カテゴリーハンドメイド・手芸 > アート・写真 > 彫刻商品の状態新品、未使用発送元の地域神奈川県